Our DCs have been trained in MCM, Pelvic Dysfunction And Clinical Thinking & Correlations:

The core difference between the technique offered at IN Chiropractic & Wellness, Inc. and other Chiropractic methods was developed after recognition of the misconception held by even the Chiropractic Colleges themselves, that the Posterior-Inferior pelvic misalignment is primary in the pelvic dysfunction and most chiropractors still believe it to be true. There has not been a consideration for the change in primary work position over the last 30 years. Today the majority of people sit all day. Dr. McDougle has discovered that the sedentary position has disastrous permanent effects on the human frame dynamic.

Use of the McDougle Chiropractic Methods‘ [MCM] short lever high-velocity burst multi-release technique may allow for multiple pieces of not only the pelvic puzzle to dissolve with one application (in most cases) but also has shown signs of significant changes in the rest of the spinal regions. Overall, this reduces stress to the patient without the patient leaving with a feeling of being “sprung” as with traditional methods and reduces the risk of shoulder injury to the doctor. Dr. McDougle has also developed a series of protocols for the cervical spine with stellar results! Make plans for your appointment today.

Our adjustments bring it ALL together to enhance the PERFORMANCE of our patients in all walks of life! We all look forward to making a difference in YOUR life!

Dr. Todd McDougle

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IN Chiropractic and Wellness, Inc.

10412 Allisonville Road, 209
Fishers, IN



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